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                       Uncompromising Loyalty...

                 There is a call going out. Can you hear it?
                                     Of loyalty and valor coming from the Spirit. 
                         It's the same call the Archangel sounded
                                     when Heaven split and war abounded.
                         This call for valor is sounding once again,
                                     but now this call comes to modern men.

                         This dividing of men, once more taking place,
                                     is the division of the faithful in the human race.
                         It is the call for the valiant of God's posterity,
                                     for those who have, "Uncompromising Loyalty."
                         The choice to hear and follow, you must make.
                                     But choose you wisely, for your eternal sake.

                          Now listen carefully, as the call cometh from above
                                     and it's heard in the quiet, like the cooing of a dove.
                         And the time has come to choose where you belong;
                                     with the evil, the passive or the Heavenly Throng.
                         Yes, there is a call going out. Can you hear it?
                                     It's coming from the Lord, traveling Spirit to spirit.

Inspired by
Gordon B. Hinckley.
President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Prophet of the Lord, Jesus Christ
as he spoke in the 173 General Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah

Officer Samuel Jeppsen, #3751, Mesa PD.
April, 2003, Skyline Stake, Mesa, AZ.


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S&J Liberty Publishing
P.O. Box 7899
Mesa, AZ 85216-7899
Fax: 480-380-6013